Friday, April 30, 2010

Weast's Denver Trip This Week

This week Superintendent Jerry Weast is in Denver, Colorado at the Council on Foundations Annual Conference. Here are some thoughts from one writer on the presentations at the Conference.

APR 27, 2010
Thoughts from the Council on Foundations Annual Conference

...What no one brought up is that the cost of a college education has risen dramatically in the last 20 years—and more importantly, the returns to a college education have fallen significantly. In some sense American teenagers are reacting quite rationally and rejecting a high cost, low return investment. So the question about why the returns to a college education are falling—and the quite possible answer that college educations no longer deliver the skills needed by students to succeed—never gets asked. I wonder how much help we’re giving the current generation of high school graduates by pushing very hard to get them expensive college degrees that may no longer be relevant today or in the future...

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