Monday, June 17, 2013

Surprise! BOE to spend 2 Days Off Camera This Week!

Board of Education meetings are public meetings, open to the public.  So why are two days of BOE meetings being held this week off site and off camera?

There is no Agenda posted for these meetings.  

If you attend, let us know what goes on.  You are welcome to attend, take notes, and record (audio or video) these meetings.  If no one attends these meetings, the public will probably never know what our elected Board of Education members discuss or vote on during these sessions. 

Wed, June 1909:00 AMBoard Retreat, Maple Room, 45 West Gude Drive, Rockville
Thu, June 2009:00 AMBoard Retreat, Maple Room, 45 West Gude Drive, Rockville


  1. Just a thought here, but given the pressure from the Potomac community and their well-to-do, and well-connected friends, I wonder if this 'retreat' is to "rewrite" their policy on leasing public land that is supposed to be used for public schools, so they can allow certain groups, like wealthy people in Potomac, to seize taxpayer property. Snap! Just like that. Anmyone else like to own 22 acres in Potomac? I'll bet you would. Aww. Too bad.

    1. The Policy on leasing BOE land was already re-written in a BOE committee meeting. The meeting was public, but off camera. We will be posting the exclusive video.

  2. Thanks, looking forwward to seeing the video. And thanks to the person who recorded it.


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