Monday, June 26, 2017

June 30th is National Student Data Deletion Day

Write MCPS that you want this done!

Our K-12 public schools are collecting an enormous amount of data about our kids that will pre-determine whether their dream schools will give their applications a fair assessment and if prospective employers will give them a chance to interview for opening.
The type and amount of data being accumulated and stored by our public schools and third-party vendors is staggering.  For example, some elementary schools deploy identification cards with RFID chips that track when our kids are picked up at the school bus, arrive at school, go to the bathroom, and how long they spend inside a bathroom stall taking care of personal business. Other schools utilize biometric palm readers that scan our kids hands and track everything our kids buy in the lunch line. All of this cumulative data are a honey pot for colleges employers, insurance companies, data brokers, hackers, foreign governments, etc…
Every time our kids may be admonished for talking out of turn or passing notes in class they may receive a permanent demerit in Class Dojo.  In the near future, classrooms may be filled with cameras and other tracking technologies that analyze not just our kids every move online but every physical move also. This is not some type of crazy prediction; in China, this Orwellian future is already a reality.  Read more....

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